Bursa in Summer
Summer is a lovely time in Bursa. There are dozens of beautiful places to escape the heat and relish the variety of nature and city life. Take a boat taxi around Golyazi or a picnic on Uludag for starters!
Share your favorite pictures of #BursaSummer and #theBestofBursa with us!
Wandering on the Wharf – Orhangazi Part 2
Discovering in Orhangazi – Part 1
The Flooded Forests of Karacabey
The Hidden Waters of Sudüşen Şelalesi
Kucukkumla: A Respite by the Sea
Walking Ancient Ways
Bursa’s Golden Karagöz Folk Dance Competition
Sipping Tea under the Īnkaya Çınar
Lovely Suuçtu Waterfall